
: 💨 Glad I put in some extra miles earlier this week running as I am watching my backyard rink tarp …

: 🤧 I feel like I feel a cold coming on and I am doing everything in my power to just tell myself it …

: 🍿 The Long Game (2024) - ★★★★☆ - I do enjoy these based on a true story movies even though you are …

: 🍿 Moana 2 (2024) - ★★★★☆ - I was worried how they were going to tie this in and I think they did a …

: 🍿 Moana 2 (2024) - ★★★★☆ - I was worried how they were going to tie this in and I think they did a …

: 🏒 Big hockey game coming up the Eagles vs the Skippers… Let’s go Eagles! 🦅

: 📺 The Night Agent (2023) - ★★★★☆ We finished Season 1 and decided to hold off on kicking off Season …

: ☕️ Coffee in the afternoon is not frowned upon is it? Well I sure hope not.. 😬

: ✈️ I really hate trying to book a work travel this time of year as there is so many kid activities …

: 🔗 FOMO Machines - I am BARRY HESS Logically, I understand. Emotionally, I haven’t gotten there yet. …

: 🏃‍♂️ Not sure I can wait any longer to get outside today so now will have to do with a sunny 24°F. I …

: 📷 Time to do some picture sorting and then editing now after the hockey game. I think a movie or …

: 🏒 Let’s go Eagles and crush some hornets tonight! 🦅

: 🧑‍💻 I have spent way too much time today messing around web stuff today but maybe that is ok. It …

: 🍕 I think tonight once we get home it going to be a stay inside and pizza kind of night. Maybe a …

: 🏒 Nice win for the Eagles today with my daughter scoring two of the 5 goals. 🤩

: 🏒 Now onto Hockey.. Go Eagles! 🦅

: 🏀 Now the sports portion of the day commences. First up Basketball.

: 😵‍💫 It has been quite the busy day started with a run, busy day at work, dinner, shoveled the rink …

: 🛜 Doing a little shed networking today to finally get the Mac connected wired vs wirelessly. Not …

: 🏒 Hockey Tournament Day two… Let’s go Eagles! 🦅

: 🏒 It is another Hockey weekend… Let’s go Eagle’s 🦅

: 🤔 I might have to start using Actions for Obsidian as I was creating my running entry for the day …

: 🚢 Flights booked for the cruise scheduled for later this year so it seems we are all set to go now!

: 🏈 Happened to turn the TV on to watch the last quarter of the Arizona State vs Texas game and wow …

: 🏒 Let’s get this game started.. Go Eagles! 🦅

: 🏒 Well success of the girls hockey game this morning in an overtime win means we get a game at 7pm …

: 🏒 Up early for a Hockey tournament that starts today. 😴

: 🧑‍💻 Well I ended up spending a good chunk of the day working which was probably good as I have had …

: 👓 After what has been a busy last week I feel like I am finally just sitting in front of my …

: ☃️ I might be one of the only people excited in the state right now but we have snow! Also it is …

: 🔗 Instagram Integration Discontinued This is too bad to hear. I am not an Instagram user but it is a …

: 😴 Siting at my daughter’s swim lessons tonight the warm pool area inside is making me sleepy.

: 👨‍🔧 I find simple accomplishments like replacing a burned out headlight that I noticed only 30 min …

: 🛜 Not a great start to the day but hoping a reboot will do the trick. It seems the “shed office” …

: 👨‍💻 Spent the little bit of time I had this morning completing 1/4 Employee reviews that I need to …

: 🏊‍♀️ Early Sunday morning for a swim Meet.

: 🧊 Looks like another great day for ice making…

: ☕️ Up early because the dogs wanted to go outside but it is ok it has given me a nice slow start to …

: 🍿 Wolfs (2024) - ★★★☆☆ This has been on my list to watch for a while. Enjoyed it overall as the duo …

: 🍿 Red One (2024) - Saw this in the actual theater today and overall it was a good movie. Kind of …

: 🎬 What better way to spend the morning but watching Red One in the Theater with the family.

: 🌅 Up early to do the thing! 🦃🏃‍♂️

: 🤔 I have this fear of committing to race events not because I am nervous about the distance but …

: 💦 After a little delay in getting hose two going as the pipe was frozen in the front yard it is …

: 💦 Let the flooding commence! Got the tarp down with the help of my oldest daughter and had the first …

: 🧊 It’s 24°F right now and I just bought 20 bags of mulch… 😅

: Another early weekend morning for Hockey and Swim but I get to watch the swimming live today and …

: 🚗 Up early but not for work on this Friday. Get to drive back across town for nothing other than an …

: 😵‍💫 Cross town driving in rush hour to make it to a hockey game tonight. Reminds me why I like …

: 🏀 Up early for my sons before school Basketball tryouts. Seems mean to have before and after school …

: 🏒 Time for some hockey this evening let’s go eagles! 🦅

: 🍿 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) - ★★★★☆ They did a great job connecting it to the original, but …

: 🌪️ I am ready for work to settle down a little bit as it has been overly busy these past couple of …

: 😵 Sat down today to do a little work and this is what greeted me.. 🫠

: 🏊‍♀️ Working at the swim meet today but also the youngest is swimming. Let’s go FoxJets! 🦊

: New addition to the sticker collection Thanks again to @adam and @robb from the St. Jude Fundraiser. …

: 📷 Two hockey games today and we took 1800 photos.. Just spent the last 2+ hrs going through them and …

: 🏒 Day off of work today to spend at the Super Rink… Should be fun but 8am game meant we left the …

: 🏒 Time for some more hockey today… I get the “privilege” of doing the livestream. 😳

: 🏒 It has been a busy day but time for some Hockey… Let’s go Eagles! 🦅

: 🏒 It is time… Let’s get this Ice Draw started!

: 🔗 Omnivore is joining ElevenLabs - Omnivore Blog As of November 15 2024, all information will be …

: 🏒 Did a little Ice Draw prep to be ready for tomorrow… 😆

: 🏒 It is that time of year again that I need to start prepping for the Ice Draw that will be this …

: 🏊‍♀️ It is going to be a long day. First up early arrival for the swim meet for the youngest.

: 💸 Oh goodie… another child in braces so all 3 at the same time come Monday….

: 🫠 The past two weeks almost have been a whirlwind of stuff going on. I keep thinking there is a …

: 🏈 Let the tailgating begin…

: 🚙 Going to be a long day with some fun family activities. However, need to get the crew moving for …

: 🔗 How to do the RSS - annie's blog This is great and RSS is great too 😃

: 🥶 It is 34°F right now and I think it is too early in the year to be thinking about the hockey rink. …

: 🗽 Up early now to get the little traveler ready for her journey.

: 😴 Time to crash as I have an early morning Airport run to make as the youngest is heading to New …

: 🔗 Pure Blogger – On my Om Blogging is an individual and, I would say, selfish act — you do it …

: 🏐 Last games of the volleyball season for the middle one. It has been fun watching and seeing her …

: 📖 Days like this even though they are busy I am happy when I find time to just sit around and catch …

: 🥱 Early morning swim meet today.. My legs are angry at me from yesterday’s hills.

: ⏳ One hour later only 45 min to kill till it is time to stumble around the forest. Should be fun, …

: 😴 Feel like I didn’t sleep great but that seems to happen when I have an early morning “pending …

: ☕️ How did I let this happen… I don’t have any of my coffee in the house. 🫣

: 🔊 It seems like everyone in my neighborhood is having some sort of construction done right now. Some …

: 🏐 Adding a new skill today by keeping score during a volleyball game 😅

: 🍿 Trap (2024) - ★★★☆☆ Odd movie that slowly kept building.

: 🏊‍♀️ First swim meet of the year for the youngest! Go FoxJets! 🦊

: 💸 It is time to buy our Hockey Player new Hockey Skates… Wish me luck! 🏒😬

: 🍃 Dare I say I might need to pack away the window AC in my shed and bring down the heaters to take …

: 😮‍💨 I think it is time to step away for a while before u will most likely be diving back into work …

: 🤔 Somedays I still have this thought I need to simplify my online stuff. I have an OK system now but …

: 🌇 Went out early for a run today and was glad to see another @HemisphericViews dropped in my …

: 📖 Story of my day so far… 🚙✈️ 🚙🏀🚙🏐 🚙🥱

: 🫠 Landed 28 min early but no gate crew is ready to receive us so. We will sit out on the runway.

: 🪫 Was thinking to do a couple admin things for work while at the airport now only to find out my …

: ✈️ It really has been a long 7 days since I left home early last week Sunday. However, as much as I …

: 😴 It has been a long day and the busy part of the week has not even happened yet. It is going to be …

: 🧭 Using my time in flight wisely by building a running route for later today after I land. I am …

: ☹️ Flight was suppose to leave at 7:10AM… Finally we are taking off now.

: 🏒 Day one of Hockey Tryouts… I appreciate that she keeps her bit of nerves even though I know she …

: 🚙 This day is going to get busy driving around and then finding time to pack as I just realized I …

: 📺 In a very strange not like me turn of events I feel like I have a handful of shows that I would …

: 🏀 Now as the day has progressed we are into Basketball. Let’s go.. umm. Heat!

: 🏐 Early morning volleyball after a late night last night with Cross Country. 😵‍💫

: 🏃‍♂️ Watching a Cross Country Meet in the Dark. Or Under the Lights.

: 🏒 Time for some Saturday night Hockey! Go Eagles 🦅

: ☕️ Morning coffee and reading. I didn’t want to be up early but the dogs did so now we are on the …

: 😬 I feel like I should be wrapping my workday up right now as most people are probably offline …

: 🔗 Clothes — A Daily Thread – Post 1 – Rhoneisms I must force myself to remember to regularly look …

: 🔗 How to Monetize a Blog This has been floating around so you might have already seen but if you …

: 🗃 Thanks to the On This Day feature on my site that I use to look back at and clean up posts as …

: 🏫 Got the youngest on the bus and decided to go for a run this morning. I could get used to this …

: 😵‍💫 Is the working day over yet?

: 🚙 I actually have to drive into the city today for an event. I am just not used to such a commute …

: 📥 I am going to have to revisit my work email filters as some things have found some one off items …

: 📺 📺 Designated Survivor (2016) I really enjoyed season 1 and 2 but then season 3 was a little odd. …

: 🪫 Well this is not good… 😬

: 🏒 It is like I don’t have enough hockey from my own child or activities to attend. However, with a …

: 🏐 Forgot this is the time of year when we wait to hear tryout results and tonight one is supposed to …

: 🏃 Beautiful night for a cross country race. I decided to stick around after my sons race and watch …

: 🥗 Just having lunch now at 3pm… Wait is this still considered lunch?

: 📝 It will shock no one I am sure that I have been using a different Note taking app… Reverted back …

: 🚍 First day of school for the youngest. I am an early morning person but for her to be catching the …

: 👨‍🔧 Since I was young I have always had this mindset to tinker and fix things myself vs junking it. …

: 🫠 Well all of this stuff from the camper is not going to pack itself away in the shed and get washed …

: 😵‍💫 I think at this point I kind of do some targeted reading and then give up after a little while.

: 😀 Two kids biking around the campsite taped cardboard on the frame so it make a noise when it hits …

: ⛳️ I can’t believe I have not played miniature golf all year yet at the campground. Well better late …

: 😎 Got to the camper and got everything setup and cleaned up in less than an hour. Too bad it seems …

: 🐝 Guess we find out today that the boy is allergic to bee stings as he currently has a rash all over …

: 🏃‍♂️ Early morning wake up today not for me to run but to drop my son off to get to an early morning …

: 🧹 Decided it was time to do a little cleaning in the shed office today so I spent 15 min inbetween …

: 🥱 Long day of work and running around today. Glad to be closing the laptop now for the night.

: 🙃 Time to get back at it today. However, of course in looking at something late last night I …

: 😮‍💨 Finally power back on and home for the night. It has really been a whirlwind of a 24 hrs with …

: 📶 Thankful for the dual SIM cards today as my ATT one is dead in the water due to the storm but my …

: 🤔 Still no power this morning. This is going to make for a real interesting day. Might have to drive …

: ⛈️ Severe Thunderstorms and no power… Cool Cool.

: 👨‍💻 Just upgraded my LinkAce site to the newest version 1.15.2. I have been dragging my feet on this …

: 😶‍🌫️ This might be one of those days the shed office is not going to do well due to the humidity …

: 🏒 As we just closed out on Summer hockey today it is time to register for the normal season of …

: 📸 After taking over 1200 pictures in 4 hockey games, now it is time to review and edit…

: 🏃‍♂️ It is that time of year again for Cross Country to start for our oldest. Tonight is an under …

: 🏒 Friday afternoon Hockey.. Go Ice Edge!

: 😵‍💫 I think I am ready to call it a day.

: 🏊‍♀️ The youngest is doing some lap swimming tonight so it gives me some time to catch up on all …

: 👨‍💻 Sometimes after a day off of work I think I need about a solid 2 hrs in the morning to catch up …

: 🚴 The youngest is maybe more exited to do a long bike ride than I anticipated. I guess we will see …

: 👨‍💻 I am going to take advantage of my new free rest of the morning after getting a run in to catch …

: 🏒 Friday night hockey game… back again!

: 🥩 Always glad I have an extra propane tank on hand at home just incase the main one runs out. …

: 🥱 Finally made it back home this has been a long day. Time to relax I think.

: 🚙 Whirl wind of a day at the Fair but time to drive home.

: 🎟️ Made it to my days destination meeting up with my wife and two kids at no other than the Iowa …

: 🚙 It’s gonna be a long day it starts and ends with driving here goes

: 🎧 As much as I struggle with AirPods, the ability to quickly charge the AirPods once they are in a …

: 🥓 Busy morning at the campsite trying to cook for an extra 5 girls for breakfast. I am pretty sure …

: 👍 Nice to know the iOS 18 Beta 5 fixed something that is now allowing a shortcut I have to work …

: 😑 Sitting at the DMV…

: 👨‍💻 Doing a little website migrations again today to hopefully get everything back to one place and …

: 📹 I really enjoy just randomly looking through old photos and videos with my kids of when they were …

: 🤔 I am not doing this taking Friday's off right as last Friday and today I am still working about …

: 😔 After doing some cleanup this weekend I was reconnected with my OneWheel… However, after thinking …

: 🍿 Daddy's Home (2015) - ★★★★☆ Family movie night tonight with one that I think everyone has already …

: 🧇 Do I want to make a big breakfast for the family today once they wake up… Sure I do but since the …

: 🍿 Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024) - ★★★★☆ Not going to say it is the best movie around but it …

: 👨‍💻 Having been forced to use my Windows computer for the last week I am sitting with nothing to do …

: ☀️ Today is one of those days that I just really want to be outside as the weather looks and feels …

: 🔍 Every time I have to do our big team presentations I spend the 2 min before the meeting to figure …

: 🤨 I am actually shocked that after 3 years Automattic has not made some sort of integration to post …

: 🤦‍♂️ Who would have guessed all my Obsidian Iconize syncing issues could be solved by reading the …

: 😵 Cool cool… I think Darkroom had an update and wiped all my presets.

: 😖 I will give it up soon but for now I will continue to complain that I am working on this Windows …

: 😥 I think my days for using my Mac for work are done for now as access has been restricted to only …

: 😵‍💫 Not sure why I try to start random projects early in the morning as I know my first day back to …

: 🥓 I am pretty sure nothing beats breakfast on a griddle. Today’s breakfast was egg, bacon, and Peper …

: ✅ Camping Crossword Puzzle completed this morning completed in under 30 min. Well done team Walker’s …

: 🏃‍♂️ 4th of July Family Fun Run Completed!

: 🌧️ It is looking like it might be a very wet 4th of July today…. Could make for some interesting …

: 🏃‍♂️ It seems that somehow I convinced 2 of my kids members and 2 of my brothers kids to run a 5k …

: 🕵️‍♂️ Trying to still find a better way to get my entries on M.b into DayOne as the RSS route …

: 👨‍💻 Feels quite strange only working one day this week but already looking for the weekend and the …

: 🤔 I have an old WordPress site that I have no plans to do much with anymore but would like to keep …

: 🌧️ A rainy day at the campsite means playing games, doing some available crafts, and catching up on …

: 🌧️ Listening to the rain fall on the camper roof. It isn’t storming so it might be calming to fall …

: 😖 I know I shouldn’t expect more, but it still frustrates me that some shortcuts I modify on my …

: 🌧️ Minus this continual rain… I do enjoy this cooler weather but since I am not training for …

: 🧳 It took a lot of thought and planning but Spring Break 2025 is booked! Figured we had to do …

: 👨‍💻 Taking a advantage of this quite morning to get a handful of tasks done for a non-profit I help …

: 🙄 What better way to end the night that log into a Youth Hockey Virtual call… eh.

: ☕ Don’t have to work today but the dogs wanted to get up early so here I sit drinking coffee.

: 🍿 Inside Out 2 (2024) - ★★★★☆ Family Movie night at an actual theater. This was a good movie and I …

: 🎥 Time for an actual in theater movie…

: 🎾 Let’s just say I got schooled in driveway pickleball tonight… I want to do some rules research as …

: 👨‍💻 It is nice to be back working from the “shed” office today.

: 🙃 Earning my volunteer hours today for Swimming as I had to troubleshoot connecting the livestream …

: 🏀 Early morning for a basketball tournament today. Last games of the season for the Thunder!

: 😴 When I work up this morning I think all the traveling and late nights had caught up to me as I was …

: 😵‍💫 I am at my car ready to drive home from the Airport exactly 19 hrs since I left the cab in …

: ✈️ Final leg of the day we are just pushing off which is exciting as this morning I really wasn’t …

: 🛫 Finally after over 12hrs I have left the airport and heading to yes... Another Airport but at …

: 📺 Sugar (2024) - ★★★★☆ Really liked this show and I don’t think I would have started watching it if …

: ❓ “What are you doing?” asks… - Well, I guess I am still in the same airport I was about …

: 🫠 Well this day isn’t getting much better. I am on the fence that I should just take a cab back to …

: 😑 Well this day is going to get interesting… We are getting off the plane now until the mechanics …

: 🖥️ After all that work getting through the airport and boarding quickly for nothing as they have to …

: ⏱️ Early morning flying today but waiting for a taxi took longer than expected at the hotel. …

: ☕ Already got a run in today and now I need to search for some coffee on this property.

: 🎶 Not going to lie I am not at all upset by this Uber drivers choice in music…

: 🛫 Time to head out traveling for a couple days.. See you soon Boston!

: 🏀 Championship basketball game this morning… Let’s go Thunder!

: 🏀 Who is ready for a night of basketball.. 🙋‍♂️

: 🏒 Watching some hockey… Obviously but this time my nephew. Older boys hockey is Fast!

: 🧢 I used to only be a casual running hat wearer until two people in the same year gifted me one and …

: 🏃 Well it is a cool Saturday morning right now so hope that plays in my favor as I try to help a …

: 🍿 Arthur the King (2024) - ★★★★★ What can I say I am a sucker for dog movies and running / race …

: 🔗 Weekends are made for this - Cole's Blog Monday’s should be your best day of the week. You have …

: 🔗 when an actor got dumped…and decided to conquer hollywood Here’s a fun mini-documentary …

: 🫠 Not ready for the Monday (Tuesday) morning today to start this short week off but here goes!

: 🍿 Chief of Station (2024) - ★★☆☆☆ Overall it really didn’t really do much for me but as with all …

: 🤦 Completely forgot that I had a call for work tonight as it is everyone from Australia that is on …

: ☕ Raining outside this morning so it feel to me like a perfect excuse to sit inside, drink some …

: 📰 Drinking some coffee this morning while the crew sleeps and catching up on the RSS feeds. Should I …

: 🏨 For the second time in my life a hotel checked me into and gave me the key to a room where someone …

: 📱 I think at this point two days past my phone erase I have the apps I frequently use. I am going to …

: 🙄 Everytime I am on a call or read an email that keeps stressing “Open Communication” I know it is …

: ⏰ Thankfully I actually woke up this morning because due to my phone watch shenanigans from …

: 🤖 Looks like with this Yarbo product lineup I never have to do yard work again. Can’t wait till they …

: 📲 I think it is time… Erasing phone NOW!

: 🐺 Let’s go WOLVES! 🏀🐺

: 📷 Just doing some photo editing / review from the kids activities yesterday. Always amazed at how …

: 🏒 Saturday night fun Part 2: Hockey - Let’s win this one so we can play two tomorrow.. 😃

: 🏀 Saturday night fun Part 1: Basketball - Let go boys! Start out in the right direction for the …

: 🏒 Time for some hockey…

: 😑 Every time I want to post a with a coffee cup I can never find it in these Fluent …

: ☕ Slow Saturdays have been a highlight when we have them. Didn’t really sleep in but no activities …

: 🏒 Friday night and no better place to be than a hockey rink watching our hockey player play.

: 📖 Time to catch up on the inter webs as I am waiting for my son to get a haircut. The cost of his …

: 😵‍💫 Asked a question by email to my youngest dance studio… I am wondering this time how I will …

: 🔗 Embrace Whimsy - Aaron Kardell's Blog Embracing whimsy takes a certain amount of intentionality …

: 🏊‍♀️ Already at the pool today for the youngest swim meet. I am sure all the mothers appreciate …

: 💃 I like when all of the dances for our youngest happen on one day for dance competitions but….. It …

: 🍿 The Boys in the Boat (2023) - ★★★★★ I have read the book and it is one of my favorites so it is …

: 😳 I think I am going to regret that refreshing Cold Brew Coffee I had a while ago. Also, maybe that …

: 😑 Well good thing I have a long layover at the next stop as we have been sitting on the runway for …

: 🛫 Time to fly home again… 👋 Portland, ME

: 🚶‍♂️ Landed in Detroit at gate A75 and now get the privilege of walking to gate A03… Guess I will …

: 🫠 Busy morning already but as it goes after a long weekend and looming travel today

: 🧼 It has been a while and as much as I don’t want to today I am going to clean some windows.

: ☕ After a busy day yesterday I think today is going to be a lazy day.

: 🤦‍♂️ That time when you thought you hit publish on a post but really you just did a save as draft.

: 😴 Up early on a Saturday for a dance competition… 💃

: 🏃‍♂️ Early first meeting of the day got moved so decided to take that and the sun shining as a sign …

: 🔗 Pikapal | Brandon's Journal This is such a fascinating story but also sad to hear as well. I am …

: 📱 I don’t want a new phone but I kind of want to just wipe my phone so it is fresh again as I think …

: 😖 Starting the morning by trying to get a dishwasher repair person out to fix the dishwasher. Always …

: 📆 Kind of glad my first meeting got moved, but this seems to happen a lot with one person. I …

: 👩‍⚕️ Day seemed to have gotten derailed work wise as my youngest I need to take to the doctors.

: ☕ Oddly enough I actually don’t mind mornings. However, I don’t like early mornings that I have to …

: 🏃 Who is up for an elementary fun run…🙋‍♂️ Now let’s see how much fun my youngest really has and …

: 🏒 Time for some Friday morning hockey!

: 💤 Up early today or just as early as a normal work day but we will be at a hockey rink all day. …

: 🔗 Apple Watch + Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses make the perfect running combo, and more on why I love …

: 🏒 I can already tell this is going to be a busy week with activities… Tonight another Hockey game …

: 🕵️‍♀️ Was looking at One This Day link for my site and I saw the following post… This came from my …

: 🔗 "Past My Prime" - by Amelia Boone - Race Ipsa Loquitur I may be past my prime, but only …

: 🤔 I run into this constant question in my head every 2-3 years that I want to change my domain name. …

: 🚩 Do you ever find old Drafts in your blog editor of choice or even in other applications that you …

: 🍿 Movie Night: The Little Things (2021) - ★★★☆☆

: 😖 The time you show up for a grooming appointment for your dog that they screwed up because of an …

: 🐦 If you haven't already you should check out LetterBird by Good Enough for an easy way to add an …

: ☕ Due to the face we have been up so early today with no real reason my coffee consumption is pretty …

: 🏀 Off to watch some basketball again… Let’s hope for some wins!

: 🤨 I complained last week it was too hot but today is not looking as great in the other direction for …

: 😑 Is there really not a good solution for the Apple Watch to have a turn by turn direction / map for …

: 🍿 The Equalizer 3 (2023) - Not a bad movie at all and as much as I can’t remember the first two I …

: 🏕️ Decided a little last minute to head down and open up the camper today. It will be a different …

: 😌 Finally found some time to put all of the smaller hockey boards away for the season. Still kind of …

: 🔗 Uses | Notes Most of the pages are just a parade of new and expensive equipment, with no insight …

: 🤔 Not sure why but I decided I would update my Now Page today since I haven't for a while. …

: ✉ ️ Responding to dance emails addressed specifically to me for my youngest daughter has become the …

: 🤔 Lets see how this works, I am going going to see if i can post this short text directly from …

: 🕵️‍♂️ I decided to use this time creating a system to tackle emails and documents that I recieve in …

: 👨‍💻 Doing a little big of “blog gardening” this morning before it will be heads done until 1pm. I …

: 😵‍💫 Glad to have a breather after a long morning mostly schedule but lot of other unplanned …

: 🔗 Blogging is Conversation - Cole's Blog Such storytelling doesn’t have to be perfect. I can simply …

: 🖥️ Grabbed my running stuff today and was reminded that I still have an older iMac Mini that I have …

: 🥳 I probably waited long enough to finish this, but… Taxes are done and electronically filed.

: 🏒 Rounding out the weekend watching some hockey.

: 😴 Lack of sleep and sitting in a dark dance theater is really making me want to goto sleep. However, …

: 🔗 The Worlds of Podcasting • Robb Knight > No show notes? You're out, you're barely even a …

: 💃 Going to spend most of today watching the youngest at her dance competition. I can’t believe how …

: 🍿 The Adam Project (2022) - I am not sure why I haven’t watched this movie yet but a good show to …

: 🍿 Road House (2024) - It was kind of like I would have expected. It was a good watch to pass the …

: 🏃 Compared to last week this I can tell will be a challenging run today with a 30°F or more …

: 🥱 One dog got me up much earlier than I would have liked this morning... Going to make the most of …

: 🤔 I think I was schedule to have this whole day off but why do I find myself on a handful of work …

: 🔗 GOTT A WIN: Senior’s golden goal allows Hawkettes to beat defending champs So proud of my neice …

: 😳 I think it is very telling the kind of day it is when I have not finished my cup of coffee from …

: 🔗 EchoFeed If you ever wish you could have one service that could take a feed and post it to another …

: 🔗 How Women’s Basketball Became the Hottest Thing in College Sports | The New Yorker — …

: 🏀 Made it home just in time to start watching basketball. Let’s go Hawks!

: 🌧️ Rainy Sunday Morning is a great time to catch up on various things as most of the house is …

: 😒 Remember that time when you just wanted to replace a lightbulb but then that led down the route of …

: 🏀 Started a project that now will need to be finished replacing the youngest ceiling fan. However, …

: 🏀 Oh my this game is getting crazy! Let’s go Hawks!

: 🏀 Who is ready for a busy night first up hockey then some NCAA Women’s basketball cheering for the …

: 🔗 Down a rabbit hole this afternoon as I am looking at LinkAce to replace my existing Shaarli setup. …

: 👨‍💻 It is that time of year I wish I would have automated a silly task I do for a company as it …

: 🔗 Publish Quote shortcut - HeyDingus — // Jarrod Blundy This shortcut provides a …

: 🤔 I continue to have this constant struggle of wanting to take notes or write things with paper/pen …

: 🛠️ Don’t ask me why I am trying to fix an IOS Shortcut I found as it seems like a small IOS App I …

: 🤷‍♂️ Watching the Iowa Women play while at a hockey game… 🏒⛹️‍♀️

: 📝 I feel like with having last week Friday off and not looking at anything work related over the …

: 🏦 I feel like it is almost April and I am starting to get the feeling I should at some point look at …

: 🏀 Saturday basketball afternoon.. First up Iowa Hawkeye Women.. Let’s go Hawks!

: 🍜 Making homemade noodles for Easter meal tomorrow.

: 🖌️ Well it seems next on my docket today is painting my youngest daughter’s room.

: 🏃‍♂️ Well I had today off to do some other things but… seeing that I am fully caffeinated during the …

: 🏀 Time to watch more basketball tonight in hopes my brackets didn’t get too busted tonight 🫣

: 🖊️ Just like that I have been going back to paper and pen to take notes for work over the past week. …

: 🌨️ Oh good it is back to snowing again and the temperature is dropping... Could make for interesting …

: 🏀 Trying to just relax tonight and watch some sports but hard with how close this Iowa Women’s …

: 🍿 Lift (2024) - Who doesn’t love a good heist movie.

: 🍽️ Had a great dinner with the family and my parents tonight at a new to us restaurant Winchester & …

: 🍿 Movie Night… The Beekeeper (2024) - It was exactly what I wanted to watch and expected 😄

: 🏃 Time to get that run game on… 23°F out with full sun will be interesting.

: 👨‍💻 Not sure if I have mentioned it before but using my iPad as a second monitor when I want to work …

: 🏀 Well I have waited long enough and I should probably get my March Madness brackets locked in for …

: 🗒️ I have been using Google Docs to take notes for about a month now and although it works I still …

: ☕ Having some coffee, doing some reading, and just enjoying the quiet on my day off until the girls …

: 🌨️ Well I am not sure I enjoy this change in weather as we were quite spoiled. Need to find all my …

: 🤔 Doing some iCloud file cleaning today as I have lots of stuff in random places. However, as I am …

: 🚶‍♂️ Decided to take the big dog for a longer walk this morning as we have very little on the …

: 👨‍💻 Why wouldn't you spend some time on a Friday afternoon in between meetings creating a website …

: 💧 I really hope that there is nothing wrong with drinking too much plain sparkling water as I think …

: 😵‍💫 Not sure what happened yesterday but it was a complete wash as I was down for the count feeling …

: 👟 The sun is out this afternoon and I am thinking the weather is going to be just right for a run. …

: 🙄 Perfect made great time flying today and arrived really early… Our prize you ask… We get to sit on …

: 😴 Not new for me leaving Portland at such an early hour but gosh, it’s early….

: ❌ A tail of two Wi-Fi services yet on the same airline. This leg is the old system and not the …

: 🙌 I am going to say it again... I really do like that Delta has high speed internet on their …

: ✈️ Well the weekend is over and what a busy one at that. Now boarding a flight which will round out …

: 😴 Up extra early today on a Saturday for…. Dance Competition day for the youngest. 😵‍💫

: 🏊 Well didn’t see this one coming after yesterday but here I find myself at a swim meet all morning …

: 🏃‍♀️ Today’s run will be powered by coffee… ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

: 😴 The youngest was up sick every hour last night. Let’s see how well I can rally my body in this …

: 😶‍🌫️ Glad we have this 9pm hockey practice so I can sit here and catch up on things. However, I need …

: 🙃 Sometimes you do the things for your kids that in theory you would prefer not to. I decided to …

: ☕ It wasn’t the plan to get up this early but since I am up… I might as well get the day started but …

: 📂 I seemed to have gotten sucked into project I didn't even see coming... However, now that has just …

: 🌨️ It is time for a little snow around here….

: 🏃‍♂️ When for some unknown reason your daughters alarm goes off at 4:30am and you can’t fall back to …

: 👨‍💻 Not quite sure where the day has gone again. It is already past noon here and I am still …

: 😵‍💫 I think I have spent the entire day working on presentation slides and slicing and dicing data …

: 🏒 Last game of the regular season and 4th place in the district is on the line… Let’s go Eagles 🏒🦅

: 👨‍💻 If only I had more time in the day so I didn’t wait till the end of my day to see what else I …

: 🌧️ Nothing like a little rainy morning to make me not want to make the commute to the shed office.

: 🏒 Big game today for the Eagles let’s go! 🏒 🦅

: 🖱️ Continuing to give weblogs more of a go and testing out a setup from my phone. Now if I could …

: 👨‍💻 What is this? I have to sit at a birthday party at a trampoline park and wait for my daughter …

: 🫠 Following up from earlier, I know my weakness but why can’t CSS be nicer to me. 🥹

: 🫣 Don’t ask me why but I decided to go down the route of figuring out how to make my site …

: 👨‍💻 One of those days that I don’t have a lot of meetings yet so I think it is going to be heads …

: 🙋‍♂️ Anyone else still struggling to get into the swing of things in 2024? Or is it just me 🫣

: 🏒 Early morning hockey.. Let’s go!

: 🚗 Quick trip to Iowa today to watch some Basketball… Going to be a long day of driving.

: 🚗 Nothing like driving an hour and a half to play a hockey game in Richmond, MN.

: 📱 Now that I have been doing more “writing” from a note taking prespective on my iPad I wish the Pro …

: 🗄️ Every year I tell myself I am going to keep better records of my Continuing Education …

: 🫠 I have had only one cup of coffee today so far at 4am EST and it is now almost noon CST… I NEED to …

: 🛬 Well a fun morning of flying but landed back home in Minnesota and time to drive home and get more …

: ✈️ Time to go flying again… Nothing like a 5:30am departure time to start the day right.

: ☕ Already at work today with 2 meetings down. Where did the night go. 😴

: 🚕 Going to mark this down as a fist as I decided against the car rental for the week as I only need …

: 🚴 Made it to Boston… Now to figure out the best way to get the last 100 miles… 🤭

: 🤷 Time to fly again because seems like a better option to move than stay in a hotel tonight and not …

: 🫣 Missed flight in Atlanta… Let the fun begin as I make my way to my destination.

: ✨ Landing at 8:30pm and my flight takes off (or so the app says) at 8:50 pm currently no delay on …

: 🛫 Flying and only slightly worried about my connected flight but I will deal with that in 2hrs 😄

: ✅ Productive morning… Short run, walked dog, and made an egg, bacon, with tortillas breakfast all …

: ☕ Using the quiet Saturday morning to drink coffee (obviously), get a little work done, and catch up …

: ☕ Guess it pays to stay awake at 5am. Had a fabulous cup of coffee and just finished another …

: 😳 I realized a little while ago that I hadn't had coffee for more than 2 days.... That is when you …

: 🚙 Time to start the drive..

: 🤦‍♂️ Only working a half day today and really need to focus and get some reviews done!

: 🏒 Never guess where I am again… Go Eagles! 🦅

: 🏊 Watching the youngest swim this morning…

: 🏒 Saturday afternoon, beautiful outside and I will be inside live-streaming a hockey game…

: 😬 Nervously waiting to hear how Basketball tryouts went for our oldest in high school now…

: 😴 One of those early evening night where I could really just head to bed right now but no rest yet …

: ☕ Sometimes it just night to start the day with a cup of coffee and going through Reeder to catch up …

: 🏒 Day off today… oh wait. Hockey games for the hockey player 2 in fact 🙄.

: ⏰ I can't believe it is already this late in the day. Where did my workday go!

: 🏒 Time for some hockey and I drew the short straw to video.

: 🏒 Ice Draw anyone…..?

: 🌨️ Snowing…

: ✨ I had a good reset this morning on getting so things mapped out for the week after seemingly …

: 💅 New dad moment that I found myself at a nail salon because my daughter needed her nails done. I …

: 😀 Playing Mario Wonder with my youngest is not a bad way at all to close out the week.

: 🙃 Time to do some Ice Draw strategy with the group as the kids have practice…

: 😖 Cutting your run short due to a meeting you had to attend only to find out the meeting got moved …

: 🥱 On a rainy day sometimes a good Power Nap is all you need. I think I am refreshed enough to do …

: ☹️ Such sad news when I got out to the "office" early this morning to find out my trusty Heat Storm …

: 🤦‍♂️ Such a rookie mistake I was planning on working on some things during my daughter's hockey …

: 🗺️ Morning coffee and mapping out a running route. 😃

: 🏊 Watching my youngest at her second ever swimming meet.

: 🤔 Just realized I have tomorrow off of work.. Nice! Now what to do…

: 🏃 Did my first trail run race today and it wasn’t all bad.

: 🤬 Who seriously creates a spreadsheet with numbers that are then shown to add up together but they …

: 😴 Waiting for my daughter at dance tonight and just took a 10 min power nap in the car… I do feel …

: 👨‍💻 Portland was nice last week but there is something to be said getting back into things now that …

: 🫠 I should probably be doing some thing productive but what I am doing is sitting on the couch in my …

: ✈️ Time to go flying… 🛫🛬

: 🏒 Hockey Dibs (volunteering).. Such a fun way to spend a Saturday night.

: 🏒 Early morning Breakfast club for our Hockey player… Guess I will check emails and see what is …

: 📚 I am finding myself wanting to pick up more paperback books again… However, that also means I need …

: 🔦 Under the lights Cross Country meet for our oldest and youngest tonight.. Let’s go! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

: 🏃 Need to drop a kid off at work and take another one to wish a happy birthday to her friend and …

: 😑 Probably the numbers guy in me but just seeing a pie chart with out any percentages in a small …

: 🤣 Finish off the night with the late show at Seinfeld tonight.. Should be fun.

: 🏒 The day seems like it's still just getting started time to watch my daughter play some hockey.

: 🏈 Time for some rivalry football.. Iowa vs Iowa State… Let’s go Hawks!

: 🤔 Seems like a good morning for a run…. I think…

: 🤔 I have realized over the weekend our family has way too many chargers and charging devices… Yet, …

: 😑 Who was excited to wake up super early today to get their son to school to catch the bus to a …

: 🏒 Wonder how many times I could have in my stats.. At the Ice Rink again..

: 🤔 Sitting in a training today considering finally pulling the trigger on a new desk top for my …

: 🐝 The most annoying part of bee stings for me is the days after itching that occurs. Also, I have …

: 🏒 Saturday night plans you ask? I can be found at the rink till 9pm as there is two games tonight …

: 🏒 Work… what is work when you have a Friday afternoon hockey tournament game.

: 😴 Today is one of those days I look fondly at the couch in my shed office wondering if I should take …

: 🤔 Here I sit drinking a hot coffee (that is delicious by the way) and complaining about how hot it …

: 🚗 Time to get back on the road again today and head home. Was a great time in Iowa with family for …

: 🐝 Well the bees got me again weed eating around the house (Eric - 0 Bees - 3, that is the overall …

: ☕ I am not going to lie when I say I like that it is 53°F out this morning. I wish I would have done …

: 👨‍💻 Well this has kind of turned into a long day of work. I am ready to leave the shed now.

: 🌧️ Rainy day at the camper means time for some movies 🎬

: 🐶 Ok it is time for our Puppy “Big Darbs” (Darby the Doodle) to go check out the lake. We will see …

: ☕ Enjoying the morning drinking coffee and catching up on a couple things before everyone else wakes …

: 😑 I am going to assume I broke my email this morning transferring some of my main domains over to …

: 😴 Some days you get to the end of a long day and decide to lay down and take a quick 15 min nap …

: 🔐 Changing my work Windows password right now… I am going to assume this will lead to lots of things …

: 🤷 Confident I spent more time than I should have updating my blog theme / layout. Still need to …

: 🤔 I really enjoy using my iPad Pro for all things not work related but it makes me feel like I want …

: 💻 Well it has been too long that I have been away from my actual work desk at home and even though I …

: 🥱 Ready to call it a day already. Weeded the flower / rock beds, sprayed the yard for bugs, vacuumed …

: ⚫ Guess my shed “office” automation of all lights out at 10pm works pretty well as I am now trying …

: 😵‍💫 I seem to be down a rabbit hole of trying to to figure out the Strava API in conjunction with …

: 🗃️ I am so far behind in all things personal related these days. I would have thought a week of work …

: 🛫 Time for some more flying…

: 😷 Someone behind me just asked the flight attendant if they still handed out puke bags 🤔😬🤢

: 😑 Feels like a cruel joke that my early flight today got delayed and now instead of getting to my …

: ⏰ 430am wake up time this morning it might be a long day. Send coffee ☕️

: 🥱 The next 24 hours is going to be a long one with little sleep, car travel and an flight. Tired …

: 🏊‍♀️ Doing some work pool side at the Community Center while our youngest does some swimming.

: 🤦‍♂️ I realized this morning that a book I started listening to I am pretty sure I have listened to …

: 💸 Well I guess I have procrastinated long enough and I should finish my Taxes today.

: 💃 If anyone needs anything I will be sitting at a dance competition all day to watch eight 2 min …

: 🍣 Sushi Friday!

: 🏀 Wish I didn’t have to work or attend meetings this afternoon because there is a lot of basketball …

: 👨‍💻 Making some updates to a non-profit website that they decided to quickly launch on Sunday night …

: 📸 Testing out that is part of the empire by uploading my first one. Honestly, I …

: 🥱 Today is Tuesday but wish it was already Friday after the busy weekend of activities and start to …

: 🏒 District Hockey Championship Game is about to start in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Let’s go girls! 🦅

: 🏀 First up 8am basketball. Let’s do this Eagles 🦅

: 🎉 It all comes down to this weekend for the Hockey and Basketball season… Let’s go!

: 🛫 Flying…

: 🥱 Already at the airport for my early morning departure… Need to find some coffee but no place is …

: 🥱 Not happy I somehow woke up at 3:30 am and can not fall bask to sleep. Might make for a long day.

: ☕ It is an hour earlier where I am now and I still work up at 5:45 am local time. I guess we should …

: 🦅 Great win for the Eagles today.. Now rush to the airport as I gotta catch a flight 😱

: 🏒 Another big day of district playoffs for Hockey. Time to take down the Hornets… 🐝…. 🦅

: 🏒 First game of districts playoffs starts… Now with the puck drop! Go Eagles! 🦅

: 🌧️ Rainy walk to the “office” today… What month is this again because today it feels like April.

: 📲 Woke up this morning to a black screened iPhone. Guess there was maybe an update that went a …

: 😴 It has been a long day of basketball watching and driving home. What an exhausting weekend…. Is …

: ☕ Up early today partially because I couldn’t sleep and the other part is we drew the short straw of …

: 🏃‍♀️ 6:15pm it is snowing and almost dark out so this makes sense right?

: 🤫 Still no real snow yet today and not to cold at the moment. I should just blow off my 1pm meeting …

: 👩‍🏫 Probably should have done this last night but trying to make sure all the technology works for …

: 👨‍💻 Kids don’t have school today but I have a mountain of work to get done… More coffee and then I …

: 🏒 Guess what time it is… Hockey Tournament Weekend… Let the games begin tonight! Go Eagles 🦅

: ☕ I have only had 1 cup of coffee today… Yep 1 and it is 1pm 🤯. This doesn’t seem right at all.

: 📥 Trying to clean up my work email which is a complete mess. I am not sure how this always gets so …

: 🏒 Let’s play Hockey… 🦅

: 🍻 So glad it is Friday and that the day is done! After a hockey game coming up I might have to find …

: 🫣 I have spent too much time tonight working / looking at PHP code and doing all all of this from my …

: 🔍 Oh no, I am getting really distracted today looking into RSS, XML, and JSON feeds.

: 🏒 Wednesday night Hockey… Let’s go!

: 🥳 Nice work @adam on continuing to build out and make small changes to!

: ☕ Already on coffee number 3 today 😳

: 👨‍💻 How did it happen that it is already Monday again? ☕️

: ⛹️‍♀️ Time for some early morning basketball. Let’s go Eagles 🦅

: 🏋️‍♂️ What is this.. am I going to a gym?

: 🏒 Some Friday night hockey starts…. Now!

: 🎉 It's Friday! Who is excited or has big plans?

: 🏃 Well it has been 10 days so probably time to move my body again and attempt a run on this sunny …

: ⌨️ Why do I find myself looking for new keyboards on a chilly afternoon?

: 😞 I haven't worked from the Shed Office for almost 3 weeks now. This just feels wrong and might need …

: 🏒 Soon this will pass but another day watching my daughter play hockey from the comfort of my couch …

: 🎲 Game night for me and one of the sick ones that can also touch the pieces 🙄

: 🎉 Well, this is kind of cool that there is now a way to respond to a Statuslog.. Well done as always …

: 🤦‍♂️ Sitting in the living room last night and we hear a loud pop. I know immediately what happed …

: 🏃‍♂️ No better time than now (9:45pm) to put on a jacket and grab my lights.

: 🏒 Not surprising it is time for more hockey…

: 🫠 Time to do some driving again…

: ☕ It is going to be a long day with two 3.5 hrs driving stretches at some point. Just keep the …

: 🏃 Good news.. Car is ready from the mechanic bad news I have now bought all new tires for both our …

: 🔧 Trying to update my page but now I have a meeting I need to attend 😄

: 💃 Rounding the night out with a dance performance at St. Kates

: ⛹️‍♂️ Next up on today a basketball game.. Of course. Go Eagles 🦅

: 🎳 First up today…

: 🥱 One more meeting for today… It has been a long day of meetings but then I need to do that actual …

: ☃ Still a winter wonderland outside today... Kids school went from a 2 hr delay to an e-learning …

: 🌨️ It is snowing like crazy here today again… Looks at schedule to see when I can get outside in …

: ☕ Back to work and the kids are back at school... Time to see what I have missed during my time off …

: 🗂️ Starting the New Year off right with a cup of coffee and a quiet morning of going through photos …

: 🏒 It’s go time! Let’s play Hockey! 🦅

: 👨🏻‍💻 During the quiet morning before everyone wakes up I am struggling to figure some website work …

: 🏒 Hockey is on the agenda for all afternoon and evening.

: 😱 Should be an interesting day today.. Kids school got canceled, family came into town early due to …

: ☃️ Seems fitting stayed up late to shovel the rink and put some water down only to find out it is …

: 🎄 Family Christmas Exchange and Meal

: 🧊 With this amazing weather of -5°F today I have to think my backyard rink is continuing to make …

: 🌨️ Not surprisingly it is snowing again.

: ⛹️‍♂️ Two games done and they are 1-1 so hopefully they can pull off another win!

: ⛹️‍♂️ 3 Basketball games tonight and the first one is staring now and I think we will be done by 11 …

: 🌨 Still watching the snowfall and thinking of how much damage this is going to do to the backyard …

: 🤳 Dealing with contractors that screwed up installing our shower upstairs is not the highlight of my …

: 📨 Triaging emails this morning before I need to get more kids moving off to school and the bathroom …

: 👨‍💻 Building some random iOS shortcuts because for some reason I tell myself I need them.

: 💦 Still watching water fill my backyard rectangle up and praying there isn’t a leak… Also, testing …

: ⛹️‍♂️ Probably should be sleeping but rewatching videos of my son’s basketball games to do the stats …

: 🎶 Might be a snowstorm outside but the school choir concert will continue

: 🏈 Time for some Live Football

: 😒 Work up this morning to my Smart Thermostat telling me for the last 2 hrs our house heater has not …

: ⛹️‍♂️ Early morning basketball today. Really hope these boys can pull this one together as there …

: 🏀 Time for more basketball

: 💃 The little one has a quick dance performance…

: 🏒 Now on to some Hockey

: 🏀 Time for some basketball

: 🎳 First up today bowling…

: ☕️ Going to be a busy day today but first coffee…

: 🍕 Homemade Pizza night..

: 🏃🏻‍♂️ It is hovering around 15°F… Seems like the logical time to get outside and run. 😁

: 🏒 Time to watch some Hockey

: 🎉 Love it when a meeting gets canceled and I get an open block of time!

: 🚕 Glorified Uber driver.. I mean parent 😁

: 🌨️ Seems to be snowing again…

: 💻 Doing some database work...😱

: 🏒 Ice Drawing….

: 🤒 Time to get back to work this week after a week off. Too bad I seemed to have picked up something …

: 🏃 Just seems like the perfect time of year to get outside…

: 🐶 Taking the Doodle in to get her monthly shot… Poor doodle :(

: 🥶 Trying to get the Shed office warm… Currently 51°F

: 🏃 Running….

: ✨ Time to mess around with all of the statuses….