
🤔 I am not doing this taking Friday's off right as last Friday and today I am still working about 50-75% of the day. Today I hope to be close to the 50% as I am almost done with what I need to get done for the day. I guess I have next Friday off too so maybe I can drop that percentage more then.😅

😔 After doing some cleanup this weekend I was reconnected with my OneWheel… However, after thinking I was charging it the last couple of days I am sad to say I must have a dead battery as it isn’t charging and won’t turn on.

🍿 Daddy's Home (2015) - ★★★★☆

Family movie night tonight with one that I think everyone has already seen but they still seemed to enjoy and find funny... So a win in our book.

Daddy's Home poster

🧇 Do I want to make a big breakfast for the family today once they wake up… Sure I do but since the dishwasher is broken again I am trying to figure out the easiest path forward here that will allow the least amount of dishes to hand wash. 😂

🍿 Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024) - ★★★★☆ Not going to say it is the best movie around but it filled the interest as a kid watching 1-3 in the past. Good to see original actors and typical plots.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F poster

👨‍💻 Having been forced to use my Windows computer for the last week I am sitting with nothing to do waiting for tech support to get back to me so I can log in to said Windows computer from this CroudStrike issue. On the other hand my Mac computer is fine but I cannot log into work from there anymore.

☀️ Today is one of those days that I just really want to be outside as the weather looks and feels amazing on my walk to and from the office.

🔍 Every time I have to do our big team presentations I spend the 2 min before the meeting to figure out the quick key to make Google slides not be in full screen. So I am going to put it here to remind myself and anyone else that might need it. Ctrl + Shift + F

🤨 I am actually shocked that after 3 years Automattic has not made some sort of integration to post DayOne entries to WordPress. Personally I would love to be able to post it seemly to any blog but more surprised that it doesn’t with WordPress.

🤦‍♂️ Who would have guessed all my Obsidian Iconize syncing issues could be solved by reading the actual guide to figure out a trick to get it to sync properly. The amount of time I have spent on all of my devices trying to make the icons match is madding after finding out all I had to do was flip the Icons Background Check. 😖

😵 Cool cool… I think Darkroom had an update and wiped all my presets.

😖 I will give it up soon but for now I will continue to complain that I am working on this Windows computer today.

😥 I think my days for using my Mac for work are done for now as access has been restricted to only company devices. Can’t blame them but my hope is on the PC Refresh (whenever that happens) I can score one. 🤞

😵‍💫 Not sure why I try to start random projects early in the morning as I know my first day back to work this week is full of meetings.

🥓 I am pretty sure nothing beats breakfast on a griddle. Today’s breakfast was egg, bacon, and Peper jack cheese on a bagel.

✅ Camping Crossword Puzzle completed this morning completed in under 30 min. Well done team Walker’s (well three of us 😄).

🏃‍♂️ 4th of July Family Fun Run Completed!

🌧️ It is looking like it might be a very wet 4th of July today…. Could make for some interesting activities like running and sitting for a parade.

🏃‍♂️ It seems that somehow I convinced 2 of my kids members and 2 of my brothers kids to run a 5k race tomorrow before a parade. Now the question is do I “race” or run with them. 🤔

🕵️‍♂️ Trying to still find a better way to get my entries on M.b into DayOne as the RSS route doesn’t pull in all pictures which I am guessing because DayOne strips out HTML.

👨‍💻 Feels quite strange only working one day this week but already looking for the weekend and the day/work week is half over.

🤔 I have an old WordPress site that I have no plans to do much with anymore but would like to keep it. With that said I am thinking it would be great to make it more of a “static” site and wondering if anyone has any recommendations to move it that format. I am thinking M.b. but open to any options.

🌧️ A rainy day at the campsite means playing games, doing some available crafts, and catching up on everything I have missed on the internet.

🌧️ Listening to the rain fall on the camper roof. It isn’t storming so it might be calming to fall to sleep to…

😖 I know I shouldn’t expect more, but it still frustrates me that some shortcuts I modify on my iPhone do not work on my Mac. I have to edit the parts that it thinks don't exist on macOS, even though they are there.