
🥶 It is 34°F right now and I think it is too early in the year to be thinking about the hockey rink. Also, shed heaters engaged as I need that building to warm up slightly as it might be a busy day.

🗽 Up early now to get the little traveler ready for her journey.

😴 Time to crash as I have an early morning Airport run to make as the youngest is heading to New York City with my parents for her 10 year trip.

🔗 Pure Blogger – On my Om

Blogging is an individual and, I would say, selfish act — you do it because it is what you want to do for you.

I think this sounds right on. I put things out there of which I am not sure anyone wants but I do it to document stuff for me and if it resonates with someone and we strike a conversation well…. That is just great and happy for it!

🏐 Last games of the volleyball season for the middle one. It has been fun watching and seeing her grow in this new to her sport.

📖 Days like this even though they are busy I am happy when I find time to just sit around and catch up on things I have neglected during the week. It isn’t that I NEED to read the (Micro)blogs, posts, newsletters, or even status entries that I subscribe to but I enjoy that outlet and connection to those I know/follow.

🥱 Early morning swim meet today.. My legs are angry at me from yesterday’s hills.

⏳ One hour later only 45 min to kill till it is time to stumble around the forest. Should be fun, let’s hope the trail is marked better this year and we don’t get lost 😄

😴 Feel like I didn’t sleep great but that seems to happen when I have an early morning “pending appointment”. Maybe this is why I don’t like being bound to timed events 😅

☕️ How did I let this happen… I don’t have any of my coffee in the house. 🫣

🔊 It seems like everyone in my neighborhood is having some sort of construction done right now. Some jackhammering at one house, tree cutting and mulching at another, and then someone decided to mow early today as well… This could be a long day.

🏐 Adding a new skill today by keeping score during a volleyball game 😅

A volleyball court hosts players in red uniforms practicing, while a white table in the foreground holds tournament score sheets and a pen. The venue is spacious with multiple courts.

🍿 Trap (2024) - ★★★☆☆

Odd movie that slowly kept building.

Trap poster

🏊‍♀️ First swim meet of the year for the youngest! Go FoxJets! 🦊

💸 It is time to buy our Hockey Player new Hockey Skates… Wish me luck! 🏒😬

🍃 Dare I say I might need to pack away the window AC in my shed and bring down the heaters to take the chill out of the air? It is times like this I wish I had a little wood burning pellet stove or something for the shed 😄.

😮‍💨 I think it is time to step away for a while before u will most likely be diving back into work stuff later tonight.

🤔 Somedays I still have this thought I need to simplify my online stuff. I have an OK system now but I still am trying to figure out how a couple parts (i.e., and should be intertwined. I think some of what makes it hard is that I have a lot of cross following and then I never know where to respond when I see it. I keep revisiting this with no good solution so I will box it in for now until another day. 🤷‍♂️

🌇 Went out early for a run today and was glad to see another @HemisphericViews dropped in my podcast. In the quiet early morning hours, it was almost like I was running with friends, which helped pass the time. However, I guess it was only a one sided conversation but honestly, I might have been too out of breath to contribute anyway 😆

📖 Story of my day so far… 🚙✈️ 🚙🏀🚙🏐 🚙🥱

🫠 Landed 28 min early but no gate crew is ready to receive us so. We will sit out on the runway.

🪫 Was thinking to do a couple admin things for work while at the airport now only to find out my battery for my computer is “critically low” which is AWESOME. Thanks Windows 11 and this just AMAZING ThinkPad. 🙄

✈️ It really has been a long 7 days since I left home early last week Sunday. However, as much as I missed out on things at home this weekend it was good from a work and extended family perspective of what this weekend has brought. I am ready to fly home today thought.

😴 It has been a long day and the busy part of the week has not even happened yet. It is going to be fun but exhausting couple work days . So for now time to crash before an early morning tomorrow to kick it off.

🧭 Using my time in flight wisely by building a running route for later today after I land. I am hoping I feel better and more rested later today as it was a super early morning and I fear it might backfire on me.